So, I've been thinking a lot lately about presentation. How I display my handmade goodies in my Etsy shop. How does one show all the beauty of something when the person looking can not touch it? I have never had a photography class...though I would jump at the chance for one! :) Maybe when the little peeps are grown.
Not having ever had a class I am constantly trying to learn better ways to take pictures that speak!
Anyways - in the midst of all this thinking I had this lovely thought of a way to make my Baby Blanket line a bit more unique and special for the Momma's as well as the Baby receiving the blanket.
So off I went to my local Hobby Lobby store - what would I do without Hobby Lobby??!?!! Probably faint! LOL
I picked out some pretty ribbon to tie around the blanket and played around with leaving the blankets flat or rolling them jelly-roll style...oooo! The possibilities!
When I was done with that I made some cute tags with the month for each blanket, the name of the birthstone of that month and special fun for you mommas....I added a pendant the color of that birthstone to the tag! Ok - so it's a little hard to explain just how cool this is - or maybe it's just me! haha! I think it is really neat and would have loved something like this with the birth of each of my children! How fun!
Ok, ok...I'll quit! But truly - go check it out and here, I'll put a couple pics here for you, too. :)
oh I think they are DARLING! :) Good job!
Very creative idea! Looks great.