Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Listing for a fresh new start? I think so! Here is what I've been up to today...well, part of it anyway - between taking care of kids battling allergies - haha.
  Sliver and Purple Star Flower Necklace and Ear-rings
Check out my Etsy shop for more pics and details.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter, Esther, has a shop on Etsy and I help her with it at times. She stays home to help me out as I get siezures and must have someone around 24/7/365. She knew when she was 14 years old she would be a stay-at-home daughter to help her parents. She also knits and crochets for our needs. She does graphics for the Etsy shop. I really like the things you make and pray the Lord will bless you so you will be able to stay home with the children. God made a way for me to be home with mine and it was so much of a blessing, as we also home schooled them. God bless you, your home and your shop.
    Mrs. J.
